We are a mixture of vocals, guitars, string, woodwind and other instruments formed in 2014 with the launch of the debut album.
Songs are all original and based on inspiration or reflection in repsect of pagan and druidic paths. With invitations to play at various venues growing, Avalon (the Glastonbury concept album) was released in 2015.
Debbie joined Matt and Carrie as lead vocals as a trio in July 2016 and the third album 'Pagan' was released in 2016, with the fourth " A Cauldron Full of Songs" in 2018.
Songs are about sacred places, nature, spiritual paths and celebration of historic places and the many connecting pagan branches and beliefs. We are on facebook too at Dancing Hare search.
There are free song plays on our live performance 'videos' tab and you can buy the 4 albums that were produced from 2014-8 on CD and there's a smartlink for all 4 albums on link tabs on the CD sale download stream tab above. They take you to our distributor and allow you to scroll and select whichever type of digital app or streaming service you prefer across over 30 stores and platforms. Add us to your own music playlist rotations and lists, so we can entertain you many times over
Original songs in the pagan spirit